Sen. Franken Responds to Attorney General Jeff Sessions' Testimony before Senate Intelligence Committee

Press Release

Date: June 13, 2017

Sen. Al Franken released the following response to Attorney General Jeff Sessions' testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee:

"Attorney General Jeff Sessions' testimony in the Senate Intelligence Committee was very unsettling," said Sen. Franken. "We know that a hostile foreign power-Russia-sought to undermine our democracy by meddling in the 2016 presidential election. But our attorney general, who is the top law enforcement official in the country, and the rest of the Trump administration seem unconcerned by that disturbing truth. They seem to have collective amnesia about meeting with Russian officials during and after the campaign and only remember when they have been caught. They are not acting like a group of people with nothing to hide.

"I also think it's very clear, despite what he attempted to assert in his testimony, that Attorney General Sessions wasn't actually confused by my question during his January confirmation hearing. Rather, I believe he's trying to downplay the gravity of and whitewash the fact that he misled the Senate Judiciary Committee under oath and failed to correct the record until he was forced to do so seven weeks later after reporting by the Washington Post.

"Here's my message to Jeff Sessions: stop misleading the American public, stop making excuses, and start being more forthcoming. Come before the Senate Judiciary Committee to speak honestly and openly with those who you first misled."
